My Boss [Chinese Drama] in Hindi Dubbed

My Boss is a Chinese Drama Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below Download button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: Chinese
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu
STATUS: Upcoming

Plot Summary

In My Boss drama Cheng Yao, a hopeful aspiring lawyer, lands a job at a big law firm and moves closer to work to avoid long commutes. But to her surprise, her roommate turns out to be her tough boss, Qian Heng. They clash at first, with Qian seeming indifferent to Cheng's goals.

As time goes on, Qian shows a softer side, offering Cheng advice and care. Cheng also learns to see beyond Qian's tough exterior and respects him. Their relationship grows into a mentor-trainee bond as they navigate office challenges and personal growth.

They discover understanding and friendship amidst the complexities of work and life. As they support each other through ups and downs, they realize that sometimes, the best connections are found in the most unexpected places.

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