Healer in Hindi Dubbed

Healer is a South Korean romantic drama series that Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.

Additional Details
DRAMA: South Korean
DUBBED: Hindi & Urdu
RELEASE DATE: Dec 8, 2014

Plot Summary

Healer is a South Korean drama about a man named Seo Jung-hoo, who works under the code name Healer. He’s a skilled fighter and a night courier who takes on secret, dangerous jobs like gathering information and protecting people without getting caught.

One day, Jung-hoo is hired to protect Chae Young-shin, a brave and passionate journalist who is unaware that she’s in danger because of something from her past. As he protects her, Jung-hoo starts to uncover secrets about his own life and realizes that their pasts are connected.

As Jung-hoo spends more time with Young-shin, he begins to fall in love with her, but he’s unsure if he can reveal his real identity to her. The story also involves Kim Moon-ho, a famous reporter who helps them uncover a big conspiracy that ties them all together...

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